england - meet the team
Paul Golightly
I am the UK Co-ordinator for our groups and training courses. I live in Northumberland with my wife Joan, where I love to walk and garden. I spent 20 years as a Methodist Circuit Minister and 14 years as Director of St Antony’s Priory in Durham (2004-2018), where the work of Capacitar took deep root. I am delighted in life beyond paid work to give time to develop the network in the UK and see Capacitar Training and groups expand. |
Margaret Wilson
For many years I worked in formal education in schools but it was in 2003 when I was working in a Community project that I first discovered Capacitar. I then did the training with Pat Cane in Dublin. When I returned to London to live I invited Pat to come and offer training sessions in England so in 2007 Capacitar came to England. I worked with Pat for many years in London and in 2009 we worked together in Uganda offering Taster sessions to over 400 people. I moved to Newcastle in 2015 and since then have been involved in the Durham and Northern programmes. I work in schools offering Capacitar as a means to helping students and staff deal with stress and trauma. |
Denise Treissman
I trained with Pat Cane seven years ago and have been teaching Wellness Workshops using Capacitar Practices since then, with one to one work and regular groups in Norfolk, and workshops in other parts of England and Scotland. I attended the Capacitar 30th Anniversary Conference in August 2018 in Los Angeles and I am involved in the planning of the Norfolk Capacitar Training Course that starts in March 2020. Last month saw publication of a book which I have compiled entitled, “Why Pray?” comprising of talks, articles and leaflets on prayer by the late Rev'd Robert Llewelyn. I also offer workshops on 'Lady Julian of Norwich', 'Prayer' and 'Meditation’. I live in Norfolk, play the flute in an ensemble and love gardening and screen printing. |